November 2023 Horoscope
* Read Sun, Moon, and Rising
** Take what resonates and leave the rest

Early November has you taking risks regarding values and finances. You might be feeling more confident and selfsure than usual. I advise you to practice what restraint (lol) you can muster, Aries. When Venus enters Libra on the 8th, the universe offers you some more sparkle. You might find yourself feeling extra cute and flirty. Go with it, the Universe is giving you a turn. When your ruling planet (Mars) opposes the planet of surprises (Uranus) on the 11th, we’re all likely to encounter some curveballs and things can become explosive. Make sure you’re not the one throwing live grenades. The Scorpio New Moon on the 13th provides a fresh opportunity to go deeper with yourself and others, but be prepared to be surprised because Uranus is in the mix, promising something unexpected. Don’t excuse your own bad behavior when Mars links up with the Sun on the 17th. Aggressive egos don’t look good on anyone. The last half of the month brings some humility when party poopers Chiron and Saturn challenge your confidence regarding relationships and identity. Part ways with any ideas that are holding you back when the Gemini Full Moon lights up your house of ideas and communication on November 27.
The good news is that Jupiter has you starting the month feeling extra-confident. The bad news is that Uranus promises this will not be a drama-free month for your relationships, Taurus. The planet of disruption is stirring things up all month long, beginning with an opposition to Mercury on the 4th when ideas are likely to take an interesting turn. But those ideas will be reeled back in when Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 9th and immediately gets a reality check from Saturn. On the 11th, watch out for Mars in Scorpio trying to pick a fight out of nowhere (again, thank you Uranus.) Just days later, the New Moon in your relationship sector promises a fresh start, but since that pesky planet of surprise is in the mix, it might not be the kind of fresh start you were expecting. Keep in mind that just because it is unexpected, doesn’t mean it isn’t right. Watch out for ego flares and aggression on or around the 17th. Use the 20th for productive conversations to work through any hurts that may have come up this month. You’ll be glad you did when Chiron highlights our relationship wounds on the 22nd and Saturn brings our egos back to reality over the holiday weekend. When the Moon is full on the 27th, release what used to matter, to make room for what truly matters now.
Have work and career been hogging all your attention recently? Well, this month asks you to pay attention to another part of your life - relationships. On the 9th when Mercury, your ruling planet, makes its way out of intensity-minded Scorpio and into big-picture Sagittarius, your sector of partnership lights up. At first this might feel heavier than expected but that’s thanks to Saturn wagging it’s finger and holding responsibilities over your head. Don’t buy into the defeatist energy – one thing at a time, Gemini. The Scorpio New Moon on the 13th shows up in the house of routine and offers you an opportunity to make a fresh start outside the box. What felt necessary to your day-to-day life before can be dismantled and reassembled in a surprisingly liberating fashion if you choose so. You might find yourself feeling particularly inspired on the 17th. Make an extra effort to channel the super-charged energy of that day towards your inspiration and not towards your fellows. People won’t likely be on their best behavior this day, don’t let it suck you in. The relationship focus continues to build when the Sun and Mars both move into Sagittarius on the 22nd and 24th respectively. Saturn’s influence might have you feeling less light and free than you’re used to, Gemini. Don’t get discouraged. The Full Moon in your sign on the 27th is an opportunity to release what’s holding you back.
There is a light inside of you that is shining bright this month, Moon Child. And the directions it takes might surprise you. Planetary disruptor – Uranus – and the planet of abundance – Jupiter – are firmly stationed in your sector of community and now that the Sun, Mars and Mercury are all dancing around in Scorpio, surprises and abundance are at the ready. You’re likely to begin the month with some extra confidence and inspiration. Let it manifest itself in a creative outlet. Make the most of those new ideas before Mercury makes its way into Sagittarius on the 9th. Once it’s there you might feel an almost immediate drop in possibility as it squares off with the planet of limitations, Saturn. But even without Mercury, things are potent around the Scorpio New Moon on the 13th. Uranus is center stage for the action and the potential for a happy accident to start you on a new path is immense. Take what inspiration reveals itself and focus your attention there when Mars and the Sun join hands on the 17th, making for hot tempers and big egos. Expect to feel a little extra sensitive when Venus opposes Chiron on the 22nd. Chiron might have you believing in the negative stories you tell yourself about your professional worth. Don’t buy it. Take time on the 27th to ask yourself whether there are negative, self-limiting beliefs you are ready to be rid of and release them with the Gemini Full Moon.
Home and family. That’s the focus for you this month, Leo. October ended with a bang courtesy of the Taurus Eclipse while Jupiter had people saying and doing too much. You start November feeling generally good all things considered, but while Jupiter has been the focus for the last few weeks, Uranus takes the reigns now. Some unexpected information makes its way to you on or around the 4th. Unexpected - not necessarily bad or good. Just be prepared to be surprised. And when Uranus opposes Mars on the 11th, the surprises don’t come in the form of information, this time they show up as actions. People aren’t likely to be on their best behavior and what's more is that it’ll be unpredictable. Just be careful that you’re not the person acting out. Days later, on the 13th, the Scorpio New Moon provides an opportunity for a new beginning, but with Uranus involved, you might surprise yourself with what this new beginning will look like. Since the Sun is your ruling planet, when it syncs up with Mars on the 17th, it’s likely you’ll feel agitated. If you have to release your lion’s roar on someone, make sure it’s not misdirected. The week that follows will likely have you feeling a bit defeated. Let yourself have some downtime over the holiday weekend, and when the Gemini Full Moon makes its way to us all on November 27, allow some room for emotional conversations with friends and loved ones.
Sweet Virgo, is that dream lover of yours actually more dream than lover? On November 3rd, you’re likely to be deep in the dream when Venus opposes Neptune in your house of relationships. I advise against making commitments until the fog lifts. Wait until at least the 6th when Venus makes a supportive trine to Pluto and Mercury in conversation with Neptune allows for a more practical dream landscape with the object of your affection. Scorpio season always lights up your sector of communication and ideas, and this time Mars is there, too. The Sun and Mars together spell a super-charged ego and a super-charged will meaning you will feel more attached to and defensive of your long-held ideas and beliefs. Around the 12th, Uranus will pose a challenge to those ideas and beliefs and the Scorpio New Moon will provide you an opportunity for a fresh start with some new, unexpected information. It doesn’t have to mean you were wrong (gasp!!!,) instead it’s that you have new information and are pivoting accordingly. Try to see yourself through this more graceful lens and the heightened energy of November 17th won’t have to be messy. Not that you could ever be messy, Virgo. The later half of the month diverts your attention to home and family, but with Saturn squaring the Sun and Mars, you might feel a bit disappointed with your current circumstances. If you’re presented with some old ideas that you’re ready to be rid of, part ways with them when the Moon is full in Gemini on the 27th.
Your planetary ruler, Venus, has been transiting through your sector of shadows, asking you to afford some attention and grace to the parts of you that only you can see. Use the first week of November to commune with your innermost self and be gentle. When Venus transits into your sign on November 8, there will be no denying your natural charm. The remainder of the month really highlights your sector of values. On a material plane, this part of our charts can be, in the most simple sense, all about finances and resources, but oftentimes we overlook what it means to actually value something. And this month, both the Sun and Mars are getting into showdowns with the planet of disruptions, Uranus – meaning how we identify with and motivate from our values will be called into question. The Uranian curve ball will be most apparent on or around the Scorpio New Moon on the 13th. Be prepared to be surprised. Let a creative idea inspire you to motivate from a place of values on the 17th, but make sure you’re not imposing your will on others. Watch out for sensitive feelings on the 22nd when Chiron reminds us of old hurts in relationships. When Chiron is involved most of the hurt we’re feeling is historical and not at all based in our present reality. Try to be gentle with yourself and your beloved. The days leading up to the Gemini Full Moon might have you feeling limitations and questioning old traditions. Release what you no longer have space for.
This is not the month to mess with you, Scorpio. The Sun has you center stage and your co-ruling planet, Mars, makes you a fierce opponent. Not to mention both Jupiter and Uranus in your sector of relationships and partnerships - bringing confidence and surprise to your story for the rest of your season. The involvement from Uranus will likely have you surprising even yourself by the time the Scorpio New Moon arrives on the 13th. As a fixed water sign, you’re not usually prone to surprise shifts, but this month you’re equipped with the tools to do just that. What’s important to remember, though, is that just because you’re ready to pivot, doesn’t mean the people around you will be on board. Watch out for forcing your will on or around the 17th. Let your presence and confidence be the statement. It’s more than enough. On the 22nd You might find yourself dealing with some old wounds. I highly advise against checking in on old flames and hurting your own feelings. Turn off your phone for a few hours and watch a romcom or a tearjerker while no one is looking - I won’t tell. The Gemini Full Moon on the 27th would be the perfect time to get rid of those old letters/emails/texts from an ex. It’s time to let go and make room for what’s coming because after the final Scorpio/Taurus Eclipse last month, a relationship story is unfolding. Sit back and watch.
The work continues to be an inside job for most of November, Sag. While the Sun and Mars are transiting through your house of shadows, you’re being tasked with looking at what’s happening behind the scenes – the part of you to which no one else has access. On the 4th you might experience some sudden insight and surprise clarity. Take it with you and let it shape the fresh beginning you envision for yourself with the Scorpio New Moon on November 13. Yes, it might feel like a lot, but no one is better suited to look at the big picture than you are, my archer. Be careful not to be unkind to yourself in the process because when the Sun and Mars link up on the 17th, the aggression could play out within and the only person you’d be hurting is you. It might sound off topic, but I suggest taking the time to redecorate your living space. Frame and hang photos you love. Buy yourself that bright new comforter. Even just light a new candle with a different smell. You deserve to point your arrow towards inspiration. You’ll be glad you did when your season begins and both the Sun and Mars are immediately met by task-master Saturn. Take the inner strength you’ve harvested over the last month and release any outdated ideas that stand between you and the relationship you want (and deserve) when the Full Moon in Gemini lights up your house of partnership on the 27th.
Your confidence and sense of creativity colors the top of November for you, Capricorn. And from there the planet of disruption, Uranus, currently firmly stationed in your house of joy, creativity, and sex, inspires you to make sudden changes in approach. Where once you were sure the sky was blue, you might suddenly insist that it’s yellow and pink and crimson. Go with it. This sudden new stand will afford you an inspired fresh start in the realm of community and friends when the Scorpio New Moon takes place on the 13th. Just take your time to recognize what is inspired versus what is impulsive. On the 17th, it might be harder to tell. After Venus makes its way to Libra and moves into your sector of career, it’ll oppose the wounded warrior, Chiron. You might find yourself feeling extra sensitive and raw with regards to your home life. Try to remember that these feelings are so intense because they’re a part of a very long, storied narrative. Don’t believe the hype that your current situation caused this hurt. Be gentle with yourself right now. When the Gemini Full Moon makes its way to us on the 27th, release the parts of your daily routine that cause unnecessary complications. Now is a great time to simplify things for the sake of your inner well-being.
My guess is that career matters are picking up the pace for you right now. November starts with the Sun, Mars, and Mercury all in Scorpio at the top of your chart. This makes for a fresh layer of intensity for your identity, your will and your thoughts. And with Jupiter offering you some confidence and Uranus offering you a frenetic charge, you’re operating at max-capas. For most other people, Uranus in the mix spells the unexpected, but as an Aquarius, the Uranian curve ball is in your DNA. It just means you’re just a little “extra” at the moment. My hope for you this month is that you can make the most of the Scorpio New Moon on the 13th for an inspired new beginning with regards to career and public-facing part of your life (as I like to call it - the LinkedIn you.) Allow yourself to take some creative inspiration as direction on or around the 17th. The latter part of the month will slow your roll a bit as the Sun and Mars move into Sagittarius and square off with Pisces. Don’t let it shake that confidence though, because on November 27th the Gemini Full Moon in your sector of creativity and joy will be an opportunity for you to part ways with what isn’t working, so that what is can make its way to you.
Big ideas, new ideas, surprising ideas. My little fish, this month Mercury, the Sun, and Mars have activated the sector of your life concerning philosophy, spirituality, and higher learning. You’re likely going to be challenged with surprising news and differing opinions that ask you to see things differently. Let yourself explore these and let yourself be challenged by opposing ideas. Just watch out for ego involvement. If you hold on too tight to an idea or philosophy or spiritual principle, the thought of it being questioned or (uh-oh – wrong) could send you into a spiral. If you take your time and check your motives. When the Scorpio New Moon occurs on the 13th, the potential for a fresh perspective is available to you, if you take it. When the Sun and Mars make their way into the sign of Sagittarius around the 23rd, your career and responsibilities will demand your attention. Take some of those new ideas and perspectives and try to apply them. When the Gemini Full Moon is in effect on the 27th, you can release any old ideas that stand in your way both personally and professionally.