June 2024 Horoscopes for Short Attention Spans (HFSAS)
* Read Sun, Moon, and Rising
** Take what resonates and leave the rest

6/2: Let your communities support your big idea.
6/3: Speak truth to power.
6/4: That selfie was so hot, they’re blowing up your DMs.
6/6: Try a digital detox.
6/8: Cost prohibitive.
6/9: It’s not personal, but it feels like it is.
6/11: If you force it, the consequences will be greater.
6/12: Show up for the uncomfortable conversations.
6/16: The grass is not greener somewhere else.
6/17: Don’t assign meaning where there is none.
6/20: Use today to rest.
6/21: Invest your energy at home.
6/26: Organize those cabinets.
6/28: You can’t buy happy, but you might try.
6/29: Pivot as needed.

6/3: Planning and scheming.
6/4: You’re charming and you won’t shut up about it.
6/6: Call in what’s important to you.
6/8: What good is your treasure if there’s no one to share it with?
6/9: If you don’t check yourself, the world will do it for you.
6/11: Forcing things is not good for the reputation.
6/12: Thinking it doesn’t make it true.
6/13: Part of you already knows.
6/16: Don’t give more than you can spare.
6/17: Hedge your bets.
6/20: Leave room for rest.
6/21: Release your attachment to being right.
6/26: Talk it out.
6/28: Disagreement is not personal.

6/2: Embrace optimism and ideals.
6/3: Today’s the day to make your point.
6/4: Everyone wants some.
6/6: A new moment for a new you.
6/8: Someone has yucked your yum. I’m sorry.
6/9: Responsibilities are calling. I’m sorry.
6/11: Be kind to yourself and others today.
6/12: Down but not out.
6/14: Opinions are not personal.
6/16: Some things are too good to be true.
6/17: Don’t commit.
6/20: Take a breather.
6/21: Let go of what is lopsided.
6/26: Diversify that portfolio. Or maybe just clean out your purse.
6/28: The FOMO is strong, but it’ll pass.

6/2: Open the door to intimacy. Even the platonic kind.
6/3: Dive deep with a therapist.
6/4: Embrace your shadow, too.
6/6: Manifest inner peace.
6/8: Every peak has its valley.
6/11: Respond, don’t react.
6/12: Try to see past your own doubts.
6/13: Learn from disappointments.
6/16: There’s nothing missing.
6/17: Careful not to buy your own bull.
6/20: Let yourself lay low.
6/21: Remove the roadblocks between you and connection.
6/26: Speak up.
6/28: Playdates are for grown-ups too.
6/29: Check in on your friends.

6/3: Impactful conversations move the needle today.
6/4: Reignite your curiosity for community.
6/6: Join a team.
6/8: The vibes have been harshed.
6/9: Do your chores before you go out to play.
6/11: Don’t act out. You know better.
6/12: The facts aren’t coming easily.
6/14: No one likes a know-it-all.
6/16: Some people are snake oil salesmen.
6/17: Just because you want it to be true, doesn’t mean it is.
6/20: Take it easy today.
6/21: Which parts of your routines are you ready to part with?
6/26: Self care is diving deep with your therapist.
6/28: Give the old narratives an eviction notice.

6/3: Pitch your ideas.
6/4: Take the meetings. Shake the hands.
6/6: Take a chance on something new.
6/8: If you want it, you’ll need to work for it.
6/9: Avoid any trips to the salon. Just for now.
6/11: Anything knee-jerk might mean you’re being one.
6/12: These conversations are difficult but necessary.
6/14: Embrace your curiosity.
6/16: Perfection doesn’t exist in this realm.
6/17: Self-sacrifice is not love, it’s martyrdom.
6/20: Don’t let someone else tell you who you are.
6/21: Share your joy.
6/26: Sometimes a long talk with a good friend is all it takes.
6/29: Let new information change your mind.

6/3: Ask questions.
6/4: Let yourself be curious.
6/6: Explore new points of view.
6/8: Limitations are around every corner.
6/9: Hash it out with yourself.
6/11: Finesse is hard to come by today, tread lightly.
6/12: Try not to get lost in the weeds
6/14: Where to next?
6/16: Don’t make decisions when you’re confused.
6/17: Be skeptical of anyone who purports to have all the answers.
6/20: Daydream from home.
6/21: Take out the trash.
6/26: Put your head down and focus.
6/28: Your step is pepped.
6/29: 👀

6/3: Hash it out.
6/4: You and your big ideas.
6/6: Get in lock step.
6/8: It’s hard to shake that weighted blanket.
6/9: Take a deep breath.
6/11: You have a chance to do things differently this time.
6/12: Consider both sides.
6/14: Your ego is not your amigo.
6/16: Don’t use love as an excuse to make yourself smaller.
6/17: You can enjoy their company without buying what they’re selling.
6/20: Extra boundaries are in order.
6/21: Release those old ideas.
6/26: Use today to define things.
6/28: Your fears are demanding some attention.
6/29: Say yes to something new.

6/3: Gather the information.
6/4: Saying, doing, being the most.
6/6: The twinkle of a new beginning.
6/8: Show up for the discomfort.
6/9: Frustration station.
6/11: Skip the road rage today.
6/12: Show up in a different way for these conversations.
6/13: Let learned lessons guide your words.
6/14: Someone is feeling themself today.
6/16: Don’t call the U-Haul just yet.
6/17: There’s a reason they’re called “sweet nothings.”
6/20: Don’t give away your space.
6/21: Part ways with selfish. Hold on to self care.
6/26: Use an intimate conversation to build a foundation.
6/28: Let your actions speak louder than your words.

6/3: Organize it. Sort it. Plan it.
6/4: Optimism means saying yes to everything.
6/6: Start a new routine.
6/8: Your massage appointment has been canceled.
6/9: If only everyone would let you tell them what to do.
6/11: Don’t go kicking doors down.
6/12: You don’t like what you’re hearing.
6/14: Your to-do list is not the only one that matters.
6/16: Perfection doesn’t exist.
6/17: It’s a miscommunication. Be nice.
6/20: Don’t overdo it.
6/21: It’s time to compromise.
6/26: Better understanding requires compassion.
6/28: Get out of fear by caring for someone else.
6/29: Surprising clarity.

6/3: Explore them.
6/4: Your joy is contagious.
6/6: Begin again.
6/8: Speed Bumps are to be expected.
6/9: Chop wood, carry water.
6/11: “My way or the highway” won’t win you many friends.
6/12: Responsibilities are boring but important. Tend to them.
6/14: Your light is bright.
6/16: Fantasies are terrible foundations.
6/17: Be of service.
6/20: Check in with your values.
6/21: Ask how you can help.
6/26: Create a plan. Ask for help.
6/28: Tend to your sanctuary.

6/3: Tell the story.
6/4: Hold court at the dining room table.
6/6: Give a new meaning to the word home.
6/8: Every rose has its thorn.
6/9: Every night has its dawn.
6/11: Who are you really mad at?
6/12: Are you harshing the mellow?
6/14: Loud does not mean correct.
6/16: No. You don’t need bangs.
6/17: Write yourself a poem.
6/20: Don’t get off the couch.
6/21: Go where the warmth is.
6/26: Speak honestly.
6/28: There are some things you can’t afford not to do.
6/29: Use this information to your advantage.